Of course you WILL be sissified you dirty faggot!
When Mistress gets her hands on you Sissy Boy the forced sissification will begin!
She will force sissies to give up wearing male clothes.. to make them wear make-up and a wig! Of course sissy boy will protest and try to wriggle out of Mistress’s clutches – what more could you expect of a wannabe cocksucker? So Mistress will transform you pathetic sissies completely regardless of your wishes. Got that, have you? It’s called Forced Sissification, so you’d better get used to it!
Firstly Mistress will not countenance any refusal by sissy – it’s simply not on her agenda. Obviously She demands obedience and given that you are a submissive sissy there’s no argument there! To that end, Sissy Boys will wear Ladies Lingerie and always curtsey in front of Mistress! When it’s a Forced Sissification session there will be no half measures, sissy!
Indeed, Mistress will transform her sissy without delay!
Because Mistress is in charge of your Forced Sissification session, sissy will get no choice in the girlie outfit that you will forced to wear. Similarly it will always be Mistress who applies the makeup – eye-shadow, rouge and lippy! When you chat with Mistress just remember that her word is the one that goes!
While sissies need the humiliation of being feminised there’s no need for them to spend a fortune whilst on the phone to Mistress! However harsh She seems, Mistress will feminise you on the least expensive of chat lines. In fact, Sissy won’t need to pay extortionate call rates at all.